vendredi 20 mars 2009

V'là l'printemps

A 12h54, heure Française, a eu lieu l’équinoxe. C’est le printemps. La lumière l’emporte sur l’ombre, la nature renait, les forthisias sous ma fenêtre sont en fleurs, les pruniers (plum)bourgeonnent, le soleil brille sans encore réchauffer les cœurs et les corps tout endoloris après cet hiver froid. Mais déjà chacun rêve de petits verres pris à la terrasse des cafés et de ballades sous les cerisiers en fleurs. Si possible à deux. Main dans la main. Sur les quais de la Seine. Ou peut-être est-ce seulement moi ? Je l’avoue le printemps est ma saison favorite.
At 11:54 GMT the equinox took place. It is spring. Light takes over dark, forthisias are in blossom under my window, it is nature rebirth, plum tree are budding, the sun shines but doesn’t warm the sore hearts and bodies yet after this so cold winter. But everyone is already dreaming of having a drink at outdoors cafes and of walking under the cherry blossoms. With someone if possible. Hand in hand. On the banks of the Seine. Or is it just me? You may have guessed spring is my favourite season.

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

delighted that you are beginning to warm up after your very cold winter... everything seems rosier when the sun is shining... we are heading into autumn.. the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.. mornings are cool but our days are more settled still sparkly and sunshiny.. but the leaves are starting to don their autumn splendour and the grey days are on their way with time to spend indoors

Plumblossom a dit…

Oups, sorry I forgot about readers from Down Under and the other Southern-hemisphere inhabitants. I deeply apologize and wish you a wonderful harvest full autumn.

Bumpkin Hill a dit…

At last Spring is here in Belgium :) My garden is full of sunny daffodills. Glad I found your blog, Catherine

Anonyme a dit…

nothing to apologise for... quite like autumn .. we have very cool mornings but then really blue sky shimmery sparkly days...perfect time to visit tassie.... my little bit of the bottom of the world...
our winters don't seem to be as cool as yours.. but occasional really grey day is an excuse to spend time on computer, sampling the rest of the world or snuggled up with a good book and a hot chocolate... if one isn't being bounced upon by 2 year old grandchild..
hugs to you enjoy your spring sunshine

Plumblossom a dit…

I must confess (shamefully, bending my head and hiding behind my screen) I had no idea where Tasmania was located before your previous comment.
Thanks for letting me know bits about you and Tassie.